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Splendid Buddhist Tour

In this Buddhist Circuit Excursion Tour 4 Nights 5 Days includes all Buddhist essential features where our travelers can get full religious experience. Tour will start in Varanasi & ends in Patna. Tourist interest such as Buddhist ; cultural places, historical places, ivory, Stupas, Monuments, Museums, Ashrams as well as Gardens and lakes that would simply leave an incredible mark in your mind.

Detailed Day Wise Itinerary

  • Day : 1 New Delhi – Varanasi

    Welcome to Varanasi, you are expected to arrive in the morning. Meet our assistance after arrival and then transfer to hotel. Fresh n up yorself later proceed for the city tour of Varanasi. We will start from Durga temple, Tulsi Manas temple, Sankat Mochan temple and Bharat Mata temple & the Banaras Hindu University. Return to hotel and have lunch & proceed for the Ram Nagar tour. The Ramnagar fort lies about 14 km from varanasi and is situated on the opposite bank of river Ganga. Maharaja Balwant Singh built this fort in 18 th century. In this fort there is a big clock. This clock not only displays year, month & week and day but also astronomical facts about the sun, moon and constellation of starts later back to Varanasi overnight stay in hotel. In the evening you will be the witness of holy worship & Aarti ritual which is performed by a group of young Pandits, at Dashashwmedh Ghat. It takes place after sunset. A group of young Pandits worship Ganga Maa which gives us life and a holy dip make you tree from the cycle of death and life.

    Enjoy overnight stay in Hotel.
  • Day : 2 Varanasi – Boat Ride & Sarnath

    Subah-e-Banaras, A morning of Varanasi full form of life, light and spiritual essence perpetuating the eternal beauty of nature along with vedic chanting, Music and yoga. Early morning enjoy boating in the Ganges which gives us magnificent view of the early morning Sunrise. Return back to hotel and have breakfast, proceed to excursion Sarnath. Sarnath is a place 20 km away in northern area from Varanasi City. This is the place where the Buddha preached his first sermon to his five disciples and so Buddhism came into existence. Later emperor Ashoka established a number of stupas and monuments to spread Buddhism. Through stupa which are a house of relies, manuscripts and fascinating inscriptions, Ashoka depicted Indian History, development of Buddhism. Chaukhandi stupa fascinates the visitors with its beauty and grace. Several animals and birds are also the matter of attraction in the Sarnath zoo. (specially Dear Park). There are also remains of a monasteries and the beautifully polished Lion capital of Ashoka. Sarnath museum contains some of the finest specimens of Buddhist sculpture Vaisaleha (April-May) full moon is worshiped as the anniversary of three important events- Buddha’s birth, Enlightenment and death while Asadhya (July-August) full moon is worshiped on the anniversary of his first sermon after attaining Enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, Buddha the great sage, visited Sarnath and preached his first holy sermon to five disciples (i.e- Kaundiya, Bashpa, Bhadrika, Ahanaman and Ashuajit) for redeeming humanity. Here the foundation of a new order of monks (Sangha) and a new order of religious doctrine (Dhamma) was a new established. Sarnath is also Sacredly important for Jains as it is the site of asceticism and death of Shreyamshanath, who was the 11 th Trithankar.

    Enjoy overnight stay in Hotel.
  • Day : 3 Varanasi – Bodhgaya

    Early morning, we will be taken for a boat ride on the Ganges. It is a mystical and spiritual experience as you watch people offering water to the Sun God and devotees taking holy dip in the Ganges. We will visit all the famous Ghats of Varanasi via boat, Come back to hotel for breakfast. After breakfast In the morning we will proceed to Bodhgaya which is about ( 247 kms / 6-7 hrs drive ). It is the place where Gautam Buddha attained supreme and enlightenment on arrival check into hotel. Bodhgaya is the one of the four most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites. After having your lunch you will visit for sightseeing trip around this beautiful place. Understand Buddhist culture and life style. Visit places like the great Buddha statue, Niranjana river and Sujata temple, Maha Bodhi temple and Bodhi tree. In the evening you can join the prayer at Mahabodhi temple. Return to the hotel for overnight stay. After sightseeing tour.

    Enjoy overnight stay at Hotel in Bodhgaya.
  • Day : 4 Bodhgaya – Rajgir – Nalanada – Patna

    Morning leave Bodhgaya for Patna (182 kms / 6 hrs.) enroute visiting Rajgir and Nalanda Rajgir is a site of great sanctitiy and significance for Buddhists. Rajgir is an important Buddhist Pilgrimage site since the Buddha spent 12 years here. After noon visit Gridhakuta Hill, Bimbisara jail. Drive to Nalanda which is 14 kms and it was one of the oldest Universities of the world and international Centre for Buddhist studies. Drive to Patna which is 90 kms, on arrival at Patna transfer to hotel for overnight stay.

  • Day : 5 Patna – Departure

    In the morning relish breakfast, later drop to Patna Airport for onward journey, with the happy memories.


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    Jane DoeFEB 20, 2014

    Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat diam voluptua.

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    John DoeFEB 20, 2014

    Diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat sed diam voluptua at vero eos et accusam.

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